Anubis tours, travelling your way

march 11, 2012

Anubis tours, travelling your way
Anubis tours knows Egypt like no one else. We work with a host of small and large international tour operators. And we have a very extensive network in Egypt. Whatever you are looking for, from a cultural tour to a cruise on the Nile or a special interest tour, we can make it happen. For every budget. For every target group.

Experience the Egypt of the Egyptians – then and now
Which other country has such a wealth of archaeological treasures and monuments like Egypt has? And which country can boast such breathtakingly beautiful landscapes like the Nile valleys, the deserts and the Red Sea? Anubis tours not only offers you a fascinating glimpse into one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but also shows you the real Egypt of yesterday and today. In the way that you choose. From camel to cruise, from boat to balloon and from train to coach.

As versatile as the country itself
Anubis offers as many opportunities as the country itself. Whether you’re a budget traveller who enjoys simplicity or a lover of luxury and comfort – we have exactly what you’re looking for. And those who opt for a study trip will feel equally at home as active holidaymakers who thrive on sports and adventure.

Your trip, your wishes Anubis tours organizes trips for groups of two to two-hundred persons. We offer guided tours to study groups and families, to sports clubs, to societies and companies. Our main concern is that you do what you want. Nothing more and nothing less. Culture, adventure, sports and recreation - everything is possible.

Cultural excursions/study trips –The pyramids, the Sphinxes, the Valley of the Kings and the beautiful Temple of Abu Simbel. Just a few examples of Egypt as a true Mecca for archaeology enthusiasts. And what’s more, all of our excursions are led by qualified guides.

Diving and snorkelling – The Red Sea is a true paradise for those who love coral reefs and underwater landscapes. Seasoned divers and snorkellers will feel right at home, while beginners can obtain their certificates under ideal conditions.

Safaris and expeditions – Would you like to travel through the Sinai desert and Western Oases by jeep or on camelback? Experience life as a Bedouin in the beauty and tranquillity of the desert? It is all possible.

Family trips – A trip with child-friendly accommodation? Not only are our hotels and locations clean and comfortable, but they are particularly warm and welcoming for families with children. 

Please look through all listed  Egypt Tour Programs. In here you will find tour programs and travel plans that will help giving you a full view of where and what you should visit.  If you need any help, or have any questions about booking/  Reserve space  in in  any of these tour programs, feel free to send us email, will help you with all advice and booking details you may need.